



As a district, we value listening to and learning from our community. 我们设法确保所有的声音都能被听到, 尤其是那些在我们的社区中可能没有被充分代表的人. 

从2023年夏季和秋季开始, 教育及卫生局发起了一项社区活动,与学生交谈, 家庭, 工作人员, 以及社区伙伴. 我们正在形成对资源的共同理解, 项目, 服务, 学习经验构成了一所资源丰富的学校. 

Superintendent Brent Jones launched a community-wide effort to reimagine a System of Well-Resourced 学校 that is safe, 公平的, 并为学生和家庭提供这些项目, 服务 and resources they need to succeed and thrive in the neighborhoods where they live.

To provide district leadership and the School Board with authentic input, a series of community engagement efforts were conducted to help shape a vision grounded in the values and aspirations of the diverse community served by SPS.

The community vision will provide a foundation to frame challenges and opportunities for SPS in the coming years and help guide future strategic planning and resource allocation decisions, 包括资助资源充足的学校, SPS资金及未来规划, 更新西雅图卓越战略计划, 以及BEX VI税.


In August through October 2023, 十大正规网赌软件 completed its Phase I Engagement Plan. Phase II Engagement Plan will include engagement opportunities specifically for students, plus additional targeted efforts to ensure diverse voices from all backgrounds are equitably represented and reflected in the community’s vision. 


  • 学校要成为家庭和社区的中心枢纽, 
  • 确保学生安全的安全措施;  
  • 强大而包容的音乐、艺术和体育节目,  
  • high-quality instruction in core subjects with equity and diversity reflected in the curriculum.  
  • 定期与学校的家庭联系,  以及接受特殊教育的公平机会, 多语种、高水平的高级学习服务.  

SPS致力于倾听您的声音. The goal for the well-resourced schools conversations is to gather input from our community so that SPS can make effective decisions about major initiatives and issues. 社区参与反馈


Superintendent Brent Jones shared his plan to balance the budget and create a system of well-resourced schools on Nov. 在西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线任职15年. 琼斯警司 not recommending any school 关闭s or consolidations for the 2024-25 school year. 


  • The School Board 听到 Superintendent Jones’ recommended strategies as an introductory item during the Nov. 15日会议. 阅读演示概述并观看会议录音.
  • The resolution went back to the full board for consideration at the Dec. 13 .董事会定期会议.
  • 十大赌博正规平台在线举行了一次会议 1月1日工作会议. 17, 2024,听取有关预算发展的最新情况.
  • 十大赌博正规平台在线将于3月20日召开会议,听取立法的最新进展.
  • 十大赌博正规平台在线计划预览拟议的2024-25年, 2025-26, 和2026-27预算[预算可能包括 项目和人员变动 [2024-25学年和2025-26学年的学校合并].
  • The superintendent will present a plan to realize the vision for a system of well-resourced schools in May 2024. This plan may include school consolidations for the 2025-26 school year and beyond, 职系重组, 以及项目调整和重组.
  • The School Board is scheduled to review the final budget recommendation in June and is scheduled to vote on a final budget in July. 

Update to Community on 十大正规网赌软件 Budget: Supporting Students Together

In March, school principals are developing their building’s budget for the next school year. Budgets guide us as we work to prioritize inclusive and high-quality education for our students.

为了实现预算平衡,我们知道我们必须做出改变. We are approaching these decisions in a thoughtful way to ensure we minimize negative impacts on student learning.



虽然我们在2024-25学年不会关闭任何学校, we will be making some necessary changes to balance our budget in a fiscally responsible manner that ensures educational excellence across the district. 平衡2024-25学年的预算, this district intends to seek the implementation of loan tools the 华盛顿 State Legislature provided to specifically address budget de-stabilization, 同时重组一些项目.  


Our plan to balance our budget provides significant long-term savings and opportunities for more savings in the future 


SPS faces projected deficits of $105 million for fiscal year 2024-25, 2025-26财年1.29亿美元, 2026-27财年的预算为1.53亿美元. This structural shortfall is caused primarily by insufficient funding from the State of 华盛顿; declines in enrollment, 一次性资金来源的支出. 


Today, enrollment is approximately 48,000 students and there are 104 school buildings. 2019 - 23, 入学人数减少了4%,900名学生, 这导致了8100万美元的收入下降 


就像我们爱每一所学校一样, 当他们没有被录取时, they become under-resourced and this causes inequity and inconsistency from school to school.  

难道没有比关闭学校更好的办法来弥补赤字吗? 他们还考虑了哪些其他选择啊? 

关闭一所学校将节省75万到200万美元. While that is only part of budget savings, it will indeed make a difference.  


Current 华盛顿 state funding does not support smaller schools or smaller class sizes. State funds are based on the cost to run a 400-student elementary school, which means schools smaller than that are not financially feasible or sustainable.  


We have launched a community-wide effort to reimagine a system of well-resourced schools which offers students and 家庭 the support, 项目和资源, and the inspiration they need to succeed and thrive in the neighborhoods where they live.

We will continue this community engagement to ensure that the decisions we make will be responsive, 公平的, 和声音, 当我们考虑进行任何实质性的合并时, 关闭, 以及程序性的变化. 阅读更多关于资源丰富的学校社区参与.


SPS资源充足的学校对话将由 董事会政策0010, Instructional Philosophy and Board Policy 0030, 确保教育和种族平等. These policies demonstrate the 十大正规网赌软件 commitment that students will be supported and affirmed in their learning, 有多种通往成功的途径, 在学校环境中,他们觉得自己被重视, 听到, 在任何地方都欢迎.


十大正规网赌软件 has made eight commitments to the success of every student in each of our schools.





View 十大正规网赌软件 high schools graduation ceremonies dates for Class of 2024.


The Seattle School Board appointed Sarah Clark and Joe Mizrahi for the District 2 and District 4 director positions on Wed.4月3日.


所有SPS家庭都被邀请加入家庭连接器大学, a family-focused online course to help caregivers support their child’s growth.